


  华硕P8H61-M LE电脑蓝屏怎么办?很有可能是64位系统的事情,这个主板的64位驱动貌似不太好。驱动姑且没有办法,但是也不能改成32位的系统,否则大内存就没法用了。可以尝试刷一下新版本的BIOS。



  Change Log –

  - Removes full reset at POST (double post) on cold boot or auto overclocking routine.

  - Improved OC performance using Multipliers or Auto Overclocking

  - Improved BCLK and DRAM OC capabilities when enabling the “Internal PLL Overvoltage” option in BIOS.

  - Minor Bug Fixes including Auto Rule for C1E, C3, C6 is returned to Enabled first (1253 disabled first) and improved USB patibility.

  - Enabling Internal PLL Voltage will still cause resume/hibernate issues (Intel related) but we are working with Intel on any potential workarounds. For those users not needing a 47x or higher multi on the K series we remend leaving this option disabled.

  - User reported Per Core setting not saving properly has been identified and will be fixed in BIOS 13xx shortly.
